Saturday, March 26, 2011

Aspen in Aladdin

Aspen had the part as the Lamp Vendor more or less the Narrator. She really wanted to be Jasmine and was very disappointed. She gave it her all and is looking forward to doing more plays. Grandma Paul made her outfit and Aspen really enjoyed wearing it. The play was really good and we are proud of Aspen for working hard on memorizing all her lines.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our First Pinewood Derby

So as you can tell Britain didn't do so hot. Ryan has a lot to learn and many years to try and figure it out. Ryan cut and shaped the car and Britain got to paint and decorate it. Britain loves Jimmer from BYU Basketball so he had to put the Y and #32. His car received most Awe-Inspiring. Another fun Cub Scout event.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Grandma Chris turns 92

My Mom and my Aunt threw my Grandma Chris a birthday party. It was fun to visit with family and play with Beau and Vanessa's beautiful baby!!!