Saturday, May 2, 2009

Black Eye

I told you Ryan is a bad abusive guy (kidding). I had eye torture, I mean eye surgery on Tuesday, April 28th. Previously, I had written about the bump on my eye. Well it never went away so I went in to have it drained. Let's just say when a Dr. asks you if you had a natural labor two times and asks if you want a hand to hold or a ball to squeeze, you might be in trouble! It was super uncomfortable, he gave me about 2 or 3 shots on top of my lid which just burned and then about 2 or 3 more shots underneath my lid. Then scrapes everything out and you could hear the scrapping. It was not fun and I shouldn't have driven myself home even though they said I could. What an experience hope to never do that again. So here is a beautiful picture of the results. PRETTY HUH!


Diane said...

You poor thing. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Did they say what it was? I never noticed, but hopefully it will be a good thing, once you recover.

Alanna said...

So that looks a bit worse than when I saw you on Tuesday. Hopefully you are fully recovered by now and feeling good. I think your body deserves a break from yucky stuff so sending good vibes your way.

Unknown said...

Whoa, that doesn't sound like it was any kind of fun! Here's hoping and praying that you won't remember this in a couple of days.We will be waiting for the next picture in a week or so of your eye being just like new. Our prayers are with you....